My summer so far

by Peter Rojas


I'm officially back in NYC after about eight weeks of living out of a suitcase. I did a lot of things while I was gone, but apparently updating my blog wasn't one of them. Over the past nine weeks I,

  • Lost my father.
  • Got married.
  • Skipped watching the 4th of July fireworks for the first time in recent memory.
  • Got ticketed for jaywalking.
  • Signed a bunch of bands I love to RCRD LBL (technically Elliot and Josh did this).
  • Helped cover E3 for Engadget and Joystiq.
  • Celebrated my 5th anniversary as a gadget blogger by liveblogging a Steve Jobs keynote.
  • Spent way too much time driving back and forth across the state of California and flying back and forth across the country.
  • Got mentioned in Rolling Stone.
  • Picked up and moved 15 times in 8 weeks.
  • Went to FOO Camp for the first time.
  • Had dinner with both Dave Winer and Jason Calacanis. But not at the same time.
  • Finally learned how to play Guitar Hero.
  • Broke my favorite pair of sunglasses.
  • Broke down and got on Facebook.
  • Failed to start using Twitter.
  • Came perilously close to replacing my beloved Dell X1 with a MacBook.
  • Finally realized that I'm closer to the end of my time in New York than the beginning.

Not quite an update...

by Peter Rojas

I've been meaning to post something here, but it's been tough to know where to start. The past two weeks have probably been some of the most tumultuous of my entire life. Two weeks ago I was full of optimism and excitement over my new startup (RCRD LBL), my new role at Engadget (editorial director), and my upcoming trip to the West Coast to visit friends and family, do some wedding planning, and go to FOO Camp. Obviously things took a drastic turn for the worse, but I'm doing my best to deal with everything and just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has called or emailed with their support and condolences. It's been amazing to hear from so many people, and it's made getting through this a lot easier.


by Peter Rojas

Well, I definitely wasn't expecting to be writing this post today, but I know better than most that you can't really control when the news about something is going to get out. So, yes, the New York Post got the scoop on this new record label I'm working on. They got a few things wrong, though. For starters, contrary to what they reported, we do actually already have a bunch of bands signed up, we just aren't announcing them until we launch. We're not in stealth mode or any of that nonsense, but the simple truth is that the site isn't going to be ready for a few months and so I'm probably not going to say much about it until we're closer to launch. That said, if you're a sponsor interested in getting involved, drop me a line. I'd love to tell you all about RCRD LBL. P.S. - Thank to everyone who emailed, called, or IM'd today!

Why I have a picture of Jennifer Love Hewitt on my blog

by Peter Rojas


Well, I finally made the pages of Life & Style magazine. Though not for anything good like wrecking a Ferrari Enzo, they just called me up for a quote about camcorders. Incidentally, I didn't say, "Prices have really dropped on quality models that last for years." (That'd be kinda dumb since most gadgets these days seem to have a half-life of about three minutes.) What I actually said was, "Prices have really dropped on quality models these last few years." The whole thing has really shaken my confidence in the infallibilty of gossip mags.

Brian Alvey leaves WIN

by Peter Rojas

Man, now Brian too! Brian pinged me earlier today to let me know that he was hanging it up here at WIN, officially marking the end of our three-and-a-half year partnership. Working with Brian has been amazing experience, Brian has the most intense work ethic of anyone I've ever met and single-handedly built and developed Blogsmith into a world-class content management system. I know he's involved with ComicMix now, but if anyone deserves some time off, it's Brian. Hard to believe I'm the last one left...